Myths and Monsters of Reston, Virginia
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Myths & Monsters of Reston Files

From the mysterious Myths & Monsters Files
Take the Myths & Monsters Trivia Challenge!
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New trivia questions are added regularly.

Monster Trivia:
In the 1931 film Frankenstein, what is Dr. Frankenstein's first name?
A) Frank
B) Victor
C) Henry
D) George

Myths & Monsters Files

True or False:
Cryptids are tiny six-legged creatures that live within crypts, gorging on corpses.

Myths & Monsters Files

True or False:
The Tree Hole Troll is from Ireland, like the feisty Leprechaun species.

Myths & Monsters Files

True or False:
The name Reston comes from the fact that it was the only 'Rest Stop' between Dulles Airport and Washington DC in days of yore. Rest-town.

Check back again soon for more Myth Trivia and Freaky Facts!

Myths & Monsters
Big-Toe Strikes Agains
Content, images, and illustrations © Eric MacDicken.
Photographs used with permission © Caroline Schor-MacDicken.
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